Podcast Announcement


I have been having ongoing issues with trying to find a host for the podcast, hipcast didn't work because of the size limit for each upload and now podbean I have discovered seems to be having difficulty to reading the episode titles and everytime I upload one the others get overwritten!!

This is not acceptable going forward and so I am back to drawing board in looking for an further alternative all of which will take time and money.

For that reason and to take some of the pressure of rushing to to do this as I want to get this right this time, I have made the decision to put the podcast on a temporary break until 2014.  In the remaining 4 weeks or so of this year there is so much to do and I right now I can not promise I can get the podcast back up and running until things have calmed down in the new year.

I will still be on Ravelry and social media sites and on the blog and I will try to keep everyone as up to date as possible with progress.

The current share your LOLs thread will therefore now cover November and December and will be drawn in the New Year.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Keep on knitting :)


  1. Sorry to hear of the issues you're having. I do miss your podcast, so here's hoping things will get sorted for 2014. Congratulations on your engagement and Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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